Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Brittany Peltier Sings Stevie Wonderhttp://youtu.be/ajams9QTTY0http://youtu.be/ajams9QTTY0

Please check out Brittany Peltier's link on Youtube.  She is a talent artist from Orange County.  Brittany has spent many years in the theatre and recently starred in a film entitled, "Midway to Heaven", a film Michael Flynn.

She recorded this version of Stevie Wonder's "All in Love is Fair" - with Roland Jenster of Mission Viejo.  Roland and Adriane of R&A Musicworks produced this version for Brittany. 

The song is not for sale.  It's a demo to showcase the vocal range of Brittany and to share with the world her wonderful talent. 

Please take a listen and get back to us with feedback.


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