Thursday, June 02, 2011

Documentary, "Behind The Orange Curtain"

Natalie Costa The Performerʼs Academy 24310 Moulton Parkway #o Laguna Hills, CA 92367 Tel: 949.609.1600
Orange County, California.  June 1, 2011

Behind the Orange Curtain is a documentary film that will focus on the current prescription drug abuse problem with teenagers in South Orange County. This film will raise the awareness of the problem that is causing the deaths of numerous young boys and girls. The problem is now at a epidemic level. Where are these drugs coming from and why are they so readily available in Orange County High Schools?

Natalie Costa, owner of The Performers Academy in Laguna Hills accompanied her daughter Brianne to the funeral of Mark Melkonian, who passed away from a prescription drug overdose at the age of 17. Mark, a popular student at Dana Hills High School is one of 58 youths (ages 12 - 17 years old) who in the past 2 years have died from a RX drug overdose.

While at Markʼs funeral Natalie knew something must be done to stop this tragic trend. Natalie turned to award winning film makers Brent Huff and Zac Titus to discuss with them the possibility making a documentary film.
Like most people Brent and Zac were unaware of this heartbreaking problem in Orange County and quickly got behind the project.

Behind the Orange Curtain will delve deeply into the issues of a problem where there is no easy answer. What can parents do? Where are the drugs coming from? These drugs are very expensive so where are the kids getting the money? Is this a “rich kid” problem? Are prescription drugs gateway drugs? Are doctors part of the problem? Pharmacists? Law enforcement? Peer pressure? Low self esteem?

Recently the film makers met with several Orange County parents who have lost children to prescription drug overdoses in just this past year. These parents are behind the film project and want to reach out to hopefully spare other parents the incredible suffering they are experiencing.

Natalie Costa and the film makers are hoping this feature length film will play in theaters and on television and even be use as a teaching tool in high schools and churches. Teenagers and parents alike need to become more educated about this latest epidemic in drug abuse. We hope and believe Behind the Orange Curtain will not only educate but save lives.